Cheat Sheets
Adobe Photoshop

Keyboard Shortcuts

Popular shortcuts

Ctrl TFree transform
[Decrease brush size
]Increase brush size
Shift [Decrease brush hardness
Shift ]Increase brush hardness
DDefault foreground/background colors
XSwitch foreground/background colors
Ctrl JNew layer via copy
Ctrl Shift JNew layer via cut
EscCancel any modal dialog window (including the Start Workspace)
EnterSelect the first edit field of the tool bar
TabNavigate between fields
Shift TabNavigate between fields in the opposite direction
AltChange cancel to reset
Ctrl FInvoke the search experience

Use function keys

F1Start help
F5Show/hide brush panel
F6Show/hide color panel
F7Show/hide layers panel
F8Show/hide info panel
F9Show/hide actions panel
Shift F5Fill
Shift F6Feather selection
Shift F7Inverse selection

Select tools {.row-span-2}

VMove tool
MRectangular marquee tool
LLasso tool
WMagic wand tool > quick selection tool
CCrop tool > slice tool > slice select tool
IEyedropper tool > ruler tool > note tool
JSpot healing brush tool > healing brush tool > patch tool > red eye tool
BBrush tool > pencil tool > color replacement tool > mixer brush tool
SClone stamp tool > pattern stamp tool
YHistory brush tool > Art history brush tool
EEraser tool > background eraser tool > magic eraser tool
GGradient tool > paint bucket tool
ODodge tool > burn tool > sponge tool
PPen tool > freeform pen tool
THorizontal type tool > vertical type tool > horizontal type mask tool > vertical type mask tool
APath selection tool > direct selection tool
URectangle tool > rounded rectangle tool > ellipse tool > polygon tool > line tool
HHand tool
RRotate view tool
ZZoom tool
DDefault foreground/background colors
XSwitch foreground/background colors
QToggle standard/quick mask modes
JContent-aware move tool
CPerspective crop tool
VArtboard tool
RRotate view tool
/Toggle preserve transparency
,Previous brush
.Next brush
Shift ,First brush
Shift .Last brush

View images {.row-span-2}

Ctrl TabCycle through open documents
Ctrl Shift TabSwitch to previous document
Ctrl Shift WClose a file in Photoshop and open Bridge
FToggle forward between Standard screen > Full screen with menu bar > Full screen modes
Shift FToggle backwards between Standard screen > Full screen with menu bar > Full screen modes
Space FToggle forward canvas color
Shift Space FToggle backwards canvas color
SpaceSwitch to hand tool (when not in text-edit mode)
Ctrl SpaceSwitch to zoom in tool
Alt SpaceSwitch to zoom out tool
Shift EnterApply zoom percentage, and keep zoom percentage box active
PgUp/PgDnScroll up or down 1 screen
Shift PgUp/PgDnScroll up or down 10 units
HomeMove view to upper-left corner
EndMove view to lower-right corner
\Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith (layer mask must be selected)

Use Puppet Warp

EscCancel completely
Ctrl ZUndo last pin adjustment
Ctrl ASelect all pins
Ctrl DDeselect all pins
HTemporarily hide pins

Use Refine Edge

Ctrl Alt ROpen the Refine Edge dialog box
FCycle forward through preview modes
Shift FCycle backwards through preview modes
XToggle between original image and selection preview
PToggle between original selection and refined version
JToggle radius preview on and off
Shift EToggle between Refine Radius and Erase Refinement tools

Use the Filter Gallery

Ctrl Alt FReapply last-used filter
CtrlChange Cancel button to Default
AltChange Cancel button to Reset
Ctrl ZUndo/Redo
Ctrl Shift ZStep forward
Ctrl Alt ZStep backward

Use the Liquify filter

WForward warp tool
RReconstruct tool
CTwirl clockwise tool
SPucker tool
BBloat tool
OPush left tool
MMirror tool
TTurbulence tool
FFreeze mask tool
DThaw mask tool
Alt (tool)Reverse direction for Bloat, Pucker, Push Left, and Mirror tools
TabCycle through controls on right from top
Shift TabCycle through controls on right from bottom
AltChange cancel to reset

Use Vanishing Point

XZoom 2x (temporary)
Ctrl +Zoom in
Ctrl -Zoom out
Ctrl 0Fit in view
Ctrl ZUndo last action
Ctrl Shift ZRedo last action
Ctrl DDeselect all
Ctrl HHide selection and panes
ArrowsMove selection 1 pixel
Shift ArrowsMove selection 10 pixels
Ctrl CCopy
Ctrl VPaste
Ctrl Shift TRepeat last duplicate and move
Ctrl Alt TCreate floating selection from the current selection
Alt ShiftConstrain selection to a 15 degree rotation
BackspaceDelete last node while creating plane

Use the Camera Raw dialog box {.row-span-4}

ZZoom tool
HHand tool
IWhite balance tool
SColor sampler tool
CCrop tool
AStraighten tool
BSpot removal tool
ERed eye removal tool
Ctrl Alt 1Basic panel
Ctrl Alt 2Tone curve panel
Ctrl Alt 3Detail panel
Ctrl Alt 4HSL/Greyscale panel
Ctrl Alt 5Split toning panel
Ctrl Alt 6Lens corrections panel
Ctrl Alt 7Camera calibration panel
Ctrl Alt 8Presets panel
Ctrl Alt 9Open snapshots panel
Ctrl Alt Shift TParametric curve targeted adjustment tool
Ctrl Alt Shift HHue targeted adjustment tool
Ctrl Alt Shift SSaturation targeted adjustment tool
Ctrl Alt Shift LLuminance targeted adjustment tool
Ctrl Alt Shift GGrayscale mix targeted adjustment tool
TLast-used targeted adjustment tool
KAdjustment brush tool
GGraduated filter tool
AltTemporarily switch from Add to Erase mode for the Adjustment brush tool, or from Erase to Add mode
Alt ]/[Increase/decrease temporary adjustment brush tool size
Alt Shift ]/[Increase/decrease temporary adjustment brush tool feather
Alt =/-Increase/decrease temporary adjustment brush tool size flow in increments of 10
NSwitch to New mode from Add or Erase mode of the Adjustment Brush tool or Graduated filter
MToggle Auto Mask for Adjustment Brush tool
YToggle Show Mask for Adjustment Brush tool
VToggle pins for Adjustment Brush tool
LRotate image left
RRotate image right
CtrlTemporarily switch to zoom in tool
AltTemporarily switch to zoom out tool and change the image open button to open copy
PToggle preview
FFull screen mode
ShiftTemporarily activate the White Balance tool and change the open image button to open object
ArrowsMove selected point in curves panel 1 pixel
Shift ArrowsMove selected point in curves panel 10 pixels
Ctrl ROpen selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from Bridge
OHighlight clipping warning
UShadows clipping warning
Ctrl 1-5Add 1-5 star rating (filmstrip mode)
Ctrl ./,Increase/decrease rating (filmstrip mode)
Ctrl 6Add red label (filmstrip mode)
Ctrl 7Add yellow label (filmstrip mode)
Ctrl 8Add green label (filmstrip mode)
Ctrl 9Add blue label (filmstrip mode)
Ctrl Shift 0Add purple label (filmstrip mode)
Ctrl KCamera Raw preferences
Ctrl AltDelete Adobe Camera Raw preferences (on open)

Use the Black-and-White dialog box

Ctrl Shift Alt BOpen the Black-and-White dialog box
Up/DownIncrease/decrease selected value by 1%
Shift Up/DownIncrease/decrease selected value by 10%

Use Curves

Ctrl MOpen the Curves dialog box
+Select next point on the curve
-Select the previous point on the curve
Ctrl DDeselect a point
DelDelete a point on the curve
ArrowsMove the selected point 1 pixel
Shift ArrowsMove the selected point 10 pixels

Transform selections, selection borders, and paths

AltTransform from center or reflect
Ctrl .Cancel
Ctrl Alt TFree transform with duplicate data
Ctrl Shift Alt TTransform again with duplicate data

Edit paths

CtrlSwitch from path selection, pen, add anchor point, delete anchor point, or convert point tools to direct selection tool
AltSwitch from pen tool to freeform pen tool to convert point tool when pointer is over anchor or direction point

Use for painting

Alt Shift 0-9Mixer brush changes mix setting
0-9Mixer brush changes wet setting
00Mixer brush changes wet and mix to zero
Shift +/-Cycle through blending modes
BackspaceOpen fill dialog box on background or standard layer
Alt BackspaceFill with foreground color
Ctrl BackspaceFill with background color
Ctrl Alt BackspaceFill from history
Shift BackspaceDisplays fill dialog box
/Lock transparent pixels on/off

Use for blending modes {.row-span-2}

Ctrl -/+Cycle through blending modes
Shift Alt NNormal
Shift Alt IDissolve
Shift Alt QBehind (brush tool only)
Shift Alt RClear (brush tool only)
Shift Alt KDarken
Shift Alt MMultiply
Shift Alt BColor burn
Shift Alt ALinear burn
Shift Alt GLighten
Shift Alt SScreen
Shift Alt DColor dodge
Shift Alt WLinear dodge
Shift Alt OOverlay
Shift Alt FSoft light
Shift Alt HHard light
Shift Alt VVivid light
Shift Alt JLinear light
Shift Alt ZPin light
Shift Alt LHard mix
Shift Alt EDifference
Shift Alt XExclusion
Shift Alt UHue
Shift Alt TSaturation
Shift Alt CColor
Shift Alt YLuminosity
Shift Alt NSet blending mode to Threshold for bitmap images, Normal for all other images

Format type

Ctrl Shift L/C/RAlign left, center, or right
Ctrl Shift XChoose 100% horizontal scale
Ctrl Shift Alt XChoose 100% vertical scale
Ctrl Shift Alt AChoose auto leading
Ctrl Shift QChoose 0 for tracking
Ctrl Shift JJustify paragraph, left aligns last line
Ctrl Shift FJustify paragraph, justifies all
Ctrl Shift Alt HToggle paragraph hyphenation on/off
Ctrl Shift Alt TToggle single/every-line composer on/off
Ctrl Shift </>Decrease or increase type size of selected text 2 points or pixels
Alt Up/DownDecrease or increase leading 2 points or pixels
Shift Alt Up/DownDecrease or increase baseline shift 2 points or pixels
Alt Left/RightDecrease or increase kerning/tracking 20/1000 ems

Use panels

Shift EnterApply value and keep text box active
TabShow/Hide all panels
Shift TabShow/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
EnterHighlight options bar (select tool first)
Shift Up/DownIncrease/decrease selected values by 10

Use adjustment layers

Alt 3Choose red channel for adjustment
Alt 4Choose green channel for adjustment
Alt 5Choose blue channel for adjustment
Alt 2Choose composite channel for adjustment
BackspaceDelete adjustment layer

Use the Brush panel

,/.Select previous/next brush size
Shift ,/.Select first/last brush
Caps LockDisplay precise cross hair for brushes
Shift Alt PToggle airbrush option

Use the Clone Source panel

Alt ShiftShow Clone Source (overlays iamge)
Alt Shift (arrows)Nudge Clone Source
Alt Shift </>Rotate Clone Source
Alt Shift [/]Scale (increase or reduce size) Clone Source

Use the Layers panel

Ctrl Shift NNew layer
Ctrl JNew layer via copy
Ctrl Shift JNew layer via cut
Ctrl GGroup layers
Ctrl Shift GUngroup layers
Ctrl Alt GCreate/release clipping mask
Ctrl Alt ASelect all layers
Ctrl Shift EMerge visible layers
Alt .Select top layer
Alt .Select bottom layer
Shift Alt [/]Add to layer selection in Layers panel
Alt [/]Select next layer down/up
Ctrl [/]Move target layer down/up
Ctrl Shift Alt EMerge a copy of all visible layers into target layer
Ctrl EMerge layers (while layers are highlighted)
Ctrl Shift [/]Move layer to bottom or top
/Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock
\Toggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off

Also see