
Getting Started


YAML (opens in a new tab) is a data serialisation language designed to be directly writable and readable by humans

  • YAML does not allow the use of tabs
  • Must be space between the element parts
  • YAML is CASE sensitive
  • End your YAML file with the .yaml or .yml extension
  • YAML is a superset of JSON
  • Ansible playbooks are YAML files {.marker-round}

Scalar types {.row-span-2}

n1: 1            # integer          
n2: 1.234        # float      
s1: 'abc'        # string        
s2: "abc"        # string           
s3: abc          # string           
b: false         # boolean type 
d: 2015-04-05    # date type

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "n1": 1,
  "n2": 1.234,
  "s1": "abc",
  "s2": "abc",
  "s3": "abc",
  "b": false,
  "d": "2015-04-05"

Use spaces to indent. There must be space between the element parts.


some_thing: &VAR_NAME foobar
other_thing: *VAR_NAME

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "some_thing": "foobar",
  "other_thing": "foobar"


# A single line comment example
# block level comment example
# comment line 1
# comment line 2
# comment line 3

Multiline strings

description: |

↓ Equivalent JSON

{"description": "hello\nworld\n"}

Inheritance {.row-span-2}

parent: &defaults
  a: 2
  b: 3
  <<: *defaults
  b: 4

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "parent": {
    "a": 2,
    "b": 3
  "child": {
    "a": 2,
    "b": 4

Reference {.row-span-2}

values: &ref
  - Will be
  - reused below
  i_am_ref: *ref

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "values": [
    "Will be",
    "reused below"
  "other_values": {
    "i_am_ref": [
      "Will be",
      "reused below"

Folded strings

description: >

↓ Equivalent JSON

{"description": "hello world\n"}

Two Documents

document: this is doc 1
document: this is doc 2

YAML uses --- to separate directives from document content.

YAML Collections


- Mark McGwire
- Sammy Sosa
- Ken Griffey

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "Mark McGwire",
  "Sammy Sosa",
  "Ken Griffey"


hr:  65       # Home runs
avg: 0.278    # Batting average
rbi: 147      # Runs Batted In

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "hr": 65,
  "avg": 0.278,
  "rbi": 147

Mapping to Sequences

  - a1
  - a2
methods: [getter, setter]

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "attributes": ["a1", "a2"],
  "methods": ["getter", "setter"]

Sequence of Mappings

  - name: Jimmy Smith
    age: 15
  - name: Jimmy Smith
    age: 15
    name: Sammy Sosa
    age: 12

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "children": [
    {"name": "Jimmy Smith", "age": 15},
    {"name": "Jimmy Smith", "age": 15},
    {"name": "Sammy Sosa", "age": 12}

Sequence of Sequences

  - [1, 2, 3]
  - [4, 5, 6]
    - 7
    - 8
    - 9
    - 0 

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "my_sequences": [
    [1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6],
    [7, 8, 9, 0]

Mapping of Mappings

Mark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278}
Sammy Sosa: {
    hr: 63,
    avg: 0.288

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "Mark McGwire": {
    "hr": 65,
    "avg": 0.278
  "Sammy Sosa": {
    "hr": 63,
    "avg": 0.288

Nested Collections

  id: 1
  name: Franc
  salary: 25000
    - a
    - b
  location: {country: "A", city: "A-A"}

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "Jack": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Franc",
    "salary": 25000,
    "hobby": ["a", "b"],
    "location": {
        "country": "A", "city": "A-A"

Unordered Sets

set1: !!set
  ? one
  ? two
set2: !!set {'one', "two"}

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "set1": {"one": null, "two": null},
  "set2": {"one": null, "two": null}

Sets are represented as a Mapping where each key is associated with a null value

Ordered Mappings

ordered: !!omap
- Mark McGwire: 65
- Sammy Sosa: 63
- Ken Griffy: 58

↓ Equivalent JSON

  "ordered": [
     {"Mark McGwire": 65},
     {"Sammy Sosa": 63},
     {"Ken Griffy": 58}

YAML Reference


  • Sequences aka arrays or lists
  • Scalars aka strings or numbers
  • Mappings aka hashes or dictionaries {.marker-round}

Based on the refcard (opens in a new tab).

Document indicators

%Directive indicator
---Document header
...Document terminator

Collection indicators {.row-span-2}

?Key indicator
:Value indicator
-Nested series entry indicator
,Separate in-line branch entries
[]Surround in-line series branch
{}Surround in-line keyed branch

Alias indicators

&Anchor property
*Alias indicator

Special keys

=Default "value" mapping key
<<Merge keys from another mapping

Scalar indicators

''Surround in-line unescaped scalar
"Surround in-line escaped scalar
>Folded scalar indicator
-Strip chomp modifier (`
+Keep chomp modifier (`
1-9Explicit indentation modifier (`

Tag Property (usually unspecified) {.col-span-2}

noneUnspecified tag (automatically resolved by application)
!Non-specific tag (by default, !!map/!!seq/!!str)
!fooPrimary (by convention, means a local !foo tag)
!!fooSecondary (by convention, means,2002:foo)
!h!fooRequires %TAG !h! <prefix> (and then means <prefix>foo)
!<foo>Verbatim tag (always means foo)

Misc indicators

#Throwaway comment indicator
`@Both reserved for future use

Core types (default automatic tags) {.row-span-2}

!!map{Hash table, dictionary, mapping}
!!seq{List, array, tuple, vector, sequence}
!!strUnicode string

Escape Codes {.row-span-3}


  • \x12 (8-bit)
  • \u1234 (16-bit)
  • \U00102030 (32-bit) {.cols-2 .marker-none}


  • \\ (\)
  • \" (")
  • \ ( )
  • \<TAB> (TAB) {.cols-3 .marker-none}


  • \0 (NUL)
  • \a (BEL)
  • \b (BS)
  • \f (FF)
  • \n (LF)
  • \r (CR)
  • \t (TAB)
  • \v (VTAB) {.cols-3 .marker-none}


  • \e (ESC)
  • \_ (NBSP)
  • \N (NEL)
  • \L (LS)
  • \P (PS) {.cols-3 .marker-none}

More types

!!set{cherries, plums, apples}
!!omap[one: 1, two: 2]

Language Independent Scalar Types {.col-span-2}

{~, null}Null (no value).
[1234, 0x4D2, 02333][Decimal int, Hexadecimal int, Octal int]
[1_230.15, 12.3015e+02][Fixed float, Exponential float]
[.inf, -.Inf, .NAN][Infinity (float), Negative, Not a number]
{Y, true, Yes, ON}Boolean true
{n, FALSE, No, off}Boolean false

Also see